Thursday, June 24, 2010

Capitalizing on Social Media Trends to Form a Well Rounded Marketing Strategy By Brenda Anderman

Social media has exploded the internet space and businesses are realizing the amazing potential to attract more customers. The social space multiplied rapidly because it gave internet users a chance to interact with each other and share photos, content, or personal information via the web. Up until its inception, the internet was purely an informational engine. The latest advancements transformed the way people view the internet and as a result more and more people are utilizing the web than ever before.
With so many businesses communicating to potential customers via the social media space, you cannot afford to stay away. Hundreds of millions of users utilize these platforms and are congregated in the major sites such as Twitter and Facebook. This represents an amazing opportunity for you to showcase your brand to so many people at one time.
By connecting with your audience, you can display your services without deliberately selling to them, and interact with new and existing customers to gain necessary feedback. How is your company seen? What would people like to see as an improvement? By feeling the pulse of the people, you can gear your marketing campaign to better suit their needs. It will take you out of the dark and into the reality of what your target audience desires from you.
Though social media will seriously impact your business, be careful not to focus all of your efforts on it. If you are communicating with people, but the website you are driving them to is low quality, you will not help your business. Continue to work on the aspects of your marketing plan that will attract new visitors and convert them to sales. You can also further your search engine optimization campaigns and email subscriber lists. Social media should be an adjunct to your strategy not a complete replacement.
Never put all of your eggs in the social media basket but do not disregard it either. Find the balance between capitalizing on new trends and perfecting your current strategies. Outsource some of your other tasks, if need be, to inject some social time into your efforts. With the proper balance of communication and effective website and search methods, your company will enjoy a well-rounded campaign and will continue to stay abreast of the latest trends on the web.
Brenda Anderman is a business coach and mentor that assists serious entrepreneurs in building a profitable online business with multiple incomes streams. Brenda and her team have assisted hundreds of people in generating profits that exceed $250K or more in their first year. For more information and to contact Brenda, visit:
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