Thursday, June 24, 2010

Empowerment Through Social Media Marketing By TJ Corruthers Empowerment Through Social Media Marketing By TJ Corruthers

In value of social media marketing is being able to connect with the buyers and consumers. It is not only about selling and making sure that they get blinded by the "wow" factor of a product. A good marketer in general does not resort to overwhelming the minds of probable consumers about technical information nor other offers related to it.
Many think that in order to get through clients, one has to step down and communicate with them using terms in layman. These customers already have an idea about the product and they need to be empowered and have them even stepped up. Therefore, a good way to increase their interest is to provide something they don't know - yet.
This is important since customers who get to browse for things to buy are more detail conscious. Perhaps those days when eye candy and overwhelming description are enough to convince buyers outright have passed. Well maybe fads and crazes still occur as natural marketing phenomena that causes buyer to seemingly buy items mindlessly - just for the kick of feeling in style.
But that is what social media marketing rests on. The reason why these consumers buy merchandise is because they feel that the value of the item they bought with there hard earned money reflects their value. May it be for functionality or for aesthetics customers want a good sales experience as well as be part of a certain group that shares the same experiences.
Social media marketing has gone well alongside the presence of online communities and forums. Companies who sell their product line allow reviews and ratings for their products to take place as it allows an active user feedback interaction. Online assistance chat or forums allow customers to seek help with glitches or trouble with their purchased item. These allow people to voice out their concerns as well as gratitude.
Having a place to linger online that acts like a community keeps consumers feeling that they wouldn't be alone after a purchase. It also helps them feel that they have a say on things, demand for appropriate intervention if needed, and just simply feel included in a certain group.
Companies even make good use of social media marketing tactics by still giving that familiar "price drop" schemes either through a combination purchase, a limited offer, an early bird bonus, and the like. These still work like a charm and even adds up to their empowerment of being valued customers.
The real value of a product is based on the consumer public. Without them, there would be no sales. With bad service, the value lowers and ratings drop. Empowerment of social media marketing through forum feedbacks and ratings help keep both consumer and producer balanced out in power with experience value and profit, respectively.
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